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Because CareerShift works. Our job hunting tools are powerful in assisting the job hunter, empowering the executive, enabling the college graduate to find job openings and make connections with key personnel. We believe CareerShift's combination of "web services" for job seekers is unmatched. We make job hunting easier with powerful tools and services, proven to work to find job openings. Move your career forward.

  • Search, select and store job listings from all job boards and all company job postings.
  • Get up-to-date contact information, including e-mail addresses, for millions of companies.
  • Access in-depth information about contacts and companies posting jobs.
  • Record, save and store your correspondence history records automatically.
  • Create personal marketing campaigns, including unlimited resumes and cover letters easily, and save them to access, print or e-mail.
  • Manage your confidential CareerShift account securely from any computer 24/7, to update & maintain your organized and recorded job search.

Move your career forward at