Standard HR Questions
- Tell me something about yourself that we cannot decipher from your resume or application? What is one accomplishment that you are very proud of?
- Why should we hire you here at XYZ airlines? Why shouldn’t we hire you?
- Why did you choose XYZ?
- Have you applied to any other companies?
- What, in your opinion, makes a professional pilot?
- What is one quality/personality trait, given the chance, you would change about yourself? How would you describe yourself in one word?
- Tell me about the toughest crew you had to deal with? Tell me about a time you went outside company policy?
- When was the last time you had an FAA inspector on board and how did it go? Tell me about a time you had to deal with a stressful flight?
- Tell me a time when you witnessed a crewmember do something unsafe?
- Tell us about a time you had to use your leadership skills to resolve a problem? Have you ever failed a check ride, and if so tell me about it?
Technical Questions
- Jepp Charts are used industry wide and it is strongly encouraged to study the charts in grave detail prior to an interview.
- Know how to brief an approach or finger fly an approach
- Be able to answer what any symbol is on a low altitude chart, approach plate, SID/STAR
- What airplane are you most familiar with?
- What is the max Takeoff weight, Landing weight, and Ramp weight?
- What is the fuel capacity?
- Can you explain to me how the landing gear system works? (if applicable)
- Can you describe the pressurization system? (if applicable)
- What is blue line?
- What is V1? What is V2?
- What is the difference between stating minimum fuel and declaring and emergency? What is a balanced field?
- What are the alcohol consumption regulations? What is the IFR fuel requirement?
- At what FL does RSVM begin and what are the requirements to operate within?
- Be able to talk through a departure or Arrival procedure, what to do in case of lost communications, final altitude, and flight path.
Conflict Resolution Questions
- The proverbial drunken captain question, may be asked in various forms and also be ready to role play the scenario.
- What would you do if during the van ride to the airport your captain smelled like alcohol?
- What would you do if you ran into your captain drinking within less than the regulatory 8 hours bottle to throttle?
- What would you do/say if your captain (flying pilot) was 5 knots slow on Final Approach? Again this may be role played.