
General Guidelines

  • Most employers spend less than 20 seconds scanning a resume before making a preliminary decision about the candidate. Put yourself in the reader’s position and think about what they are looking for in an employee.
  • Margins should never be smaller than .5."
  • Use easy-to-read fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, Calibri or Times New Roman.
  • Avoid over-formatting text. Only use italics or underlines if necessary. Make your section headings bold.
  • Use active phrases instead of passive ones.
  • Entry-level candidates should limit their resume to one page. Mid-career and experienced candidates may have a two-page resume. Do not go over two pages.
  • Use 10-12 point font. Avoid very small or very large text.
  • Do not rely on your computer’s spell check function. Review each word carefully. It is easy to miss typos when you are familiar with the content of the document.
  • Have at least two other people review your resume for spelling, grammar and other errors.
  • Avoid using colored text or images or blocks of color on the resume.
  • Do not lie about your experience. Augmenting your credentials with a little fiction might help you get the job but you can easily lose it if you are found out. Many employers conduct background checks.
  • Do not include university or company logos without express written consent from the organization. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University does not approve the use of the university logo or official seal on resumes or other job search-related correspondence.



Curriculum Vitaes (CVs)

